
Tracodi: Business situation prospers since acquired by Bamboo Capital

In early 2015, taking SCIC’s divestment opportunity, Bamboo Capital (BCG) has acquired 68% of the stake which helps to hold controlling shares of Transport and Industry Development Investment Join Stock Company (Tracodi). Tracodi has 25 years of operating history in many fields such as infrastructure construction, taxi transportation, quarrying and labor export. Despite of many advantages, while the state was still holding controlling shares, the company’s performance was not as effective as it could have been.

Prospects from real estate projects of Bamboo Capital

Casa Marina Quy Nhon Resort The project covers an area of nearly 2 hectares in Ghenh Rang. The project which is a boutique resort invested by BCG and Nguyen Hoang JSC was officially started in September 2015 and will be ready for business in the second quarter of 2016. The project’s first phase has a scale of 16 bungalows and 32 standard rooms while the second phase will develop further with a 30-room hotel. Located along the long beach next to a fishing tourist village, the resort is fully furnished as 4-star standards.