On 23/01/2019, the Joint Venture Agreement Signing ceremony of Vina Hyosung OnB was held successfully. It was also considered as an important milestone in this long-term cooperating relationship between JSC Vinacafe F (Vietnam) and Hyosung OnB (Korea).
Following the success of the Organic Fertilizer Technology Transfer ceremony in 20/12/2018, JSC Vinacafe F, a subsidiary of Bamboo Capital Group (BCG), continues to cooperate with Hyosung OnB Company in Korea in order to establish the joint venture named JSC Vina Hyosung OnB. As expected, the total capital investment will increase to 200 billion VND with the production model following international standards.

In this project, JSC Vinacafe F will take charge in producing and distributing processes based on the rich experiences in Vietnam fertilizer market. As for Hyosung OnB, they will be working as technology consultant unit. Cooperating with Vinacafe F will be a foundation to expand Hyosung OnB to other Asian countries such as Laos and Cambodia.

Organic fertilizer has been researched and widely used in most developed countries around the world, especially in Korea. It not only provides significant essential nutrients for plants but also enhances the efficiency of mineral fertilizer use, while increasing the plant’s resistance to pests and unfavourable weather conditions. In particular, organic fertilizer brings high economic efficiency for users and has a positive effect in improving the environment and sustainable agricultural development.