(BCG) Understanding the importance of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Report, in two days February 29 and March 1, 2020, Bamboo Capital Group cooperated with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to organized a training course on “Sustainable development report method” for executives and staff of the group and its subsidiaries.

The training course aims to help member organizations understand the methods of developing a Sustainable Development Report on quality and international practices. More than 60 members who are representatives from executives and staffs of BCG and subsidiaries attended the training with enthusiasm and willingness to inquire
During the two days of training, the members instructed by experienced experts and provided the most basic knowledge about Sustainability Report such as Global Reporting Initiative GRI Standards, building databases and reports on sustainable finance… Thereby helping members master the knowledge, improving the ability to coordinate the process of building reports according to GRI, which is the gold standard is entirely accepted. Demand for Sustainable Development Report. Participants also have the opportunity to identify the most basic and essential material issues for each company based on guidelines to ensure report quality as well as maximize benefits from reporting with support from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Also, the trainees practised using the online reporting tool provided by GRI, initially preparing for the Sustainable Development Report.

Through this training course, executives, as well as staffs of the group, have been equipped with more information and knowledge to be able to implement the Sustainable Development Report. Thereby also clarifying the activities how their organization’s impact on the economy, environment and society to make the right decisions in business, in collaboration with research and development in a new context.