TRACODI (TCD):Revenue of VND 62,3 billion within first nine months of 2017, meeting 83% of the plan


Transport and Industry Development Investment JSC (HOSE: TCD) has just released its consolidate and separate financial statements for the third quarter of 2017 with positive results compared with same period of 2016.

Specifically, TCD has earned VND 225.4 billion and 21.1 billion in separate revenue from sales of goods and services and profit in Q3/2017, up 172% and 232% respectively compared with the same period of last year. In which, VND 178.5 billion and VND 42.5 billion from trading and construction correspondingly.

In the first nine months of 2017, TCD has reached VND 687.67 billion in accumulated revenue and  VND 62.39 billion in profit before tax, meeting 78% and 83% of the estimate respectively.

The impressive growth of first 9 months of 2017 has come from export of cassava, BOT 830 & 824 project, and revenue contributed by its subsidiary Antraco via stone mining. With great results of first nine month of 2017 shown, TCE is expected to exceed its 2017 goal. In 2017, TCD has planned to achieve VND 879 billion in consolidated revenue, VND 63.67 in profit before tax, and expected to pay annual dividend from 10%.