TRACODI’s FY16 Audited Consolidated Business Results: Before-tax Profit of 73.4 Billion VND, or 124% Increase over 2015


TRACODI (TCD) has recently announced its 2016 audited consolidated financial statements, in which net revenue reaches 832 billion VND and before-tax profit of 73.4 billion VND, up by 337% and 124% from 2015, respectively.

In 2016, TCD’s total assets are 2,449 billion VND while shareholders’ equity has more than tripled to nearly 383 billion VND. Ending cash and cash equivalents also increase to 42.8 billion VND, which has more than doubled the same period of last year, reflecting a stable stream of cash inflow. In terms of liquidity, TCD’s quick ratio has improved significantly, from 1.22 times in 2015 to 2.53 times in 2016. The company’s revenue and expected dividend targets are 918 billion VND and 10% for 2017 and 1,029 billion VND and 12% for 2018.

On March 31st, 2017, the company will finalize the shareholders list to register for securities depository at Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD). TCD expects to be listed on Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HSX) at the beginning of Q2 2017.

In order to provide comprehensive, important information to shareholders and investors in time, TCD will organize an Investors Conference at 15:00 on April 18th, 2017 at HSX.

For reservations, please contact:

Mr Tran Ngoc Vinh – TCD Investor Relations Manager; Tel: 08-38330314 – ext 126; Email:

Mr. Dang Huu Hieu – TCD Investor Relations Officer; Tel: 08-38330314 – ext 126; Email: