Resolution of the BOD regarding the resignation of Deputy General Director in charge of Infrastructure development and change of the representative managing the contributed capital of the company at B.O.T DT 830 Company Limited


Bamboo Capital Group Joint Stock Company (BCG) announces:
1) Resignation letter from the position of Deputy General Director in charge of Infrastructure development;
2) The Resolution No. 81/2023/NQ-HDQT-BCG of the BOD dated November 24, 2023, regarding the resignation of Deputy General Director in charge of Infrastructure development and change of the representative managing the contributed capital of the company at B.O.T DT 830 Company Limited;
3) Decision No. 81.1/2023/QD-HDQT-BCG of the BOD dated November 24, 2023 on the resignation of Deputy General Director in charge of Infrastructure development.

For more details please see attachment:

Disclosure of information  

Resignation letter from the position of Deputy General Director in charge of Infrastructure development  

The Resolution No. 81/2023/NQ-HDQT-BCG of the BOD dated November 24, 2023, regarding the resignation of Deputy General Director in charge of Infrastructure development and change of the representative managing the contributed capital of the company at B.O.T DT 830 Company Limited  

Decision No. 81.1/2023/QD-HDQT-BCG of the BOD dated November 24, 2023 on the resignation of Deputy General Director in charge of Infrastructure development